Adopting a vegetarian lifestyle

So, you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian? There is a lot to think about. Let’s start out with an understanding of what being a vegetarian means. There are a few categories. Lacto Vegetarian – no animal products except for dairy. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian- no animal...

Connecting with Your Children

Marishu welcomes special guest, music celebrity and stay-at-home dad, Colin Wiebe to share insights on ways to effectively connect with your children.   Listen Now. Press Play! Play in new window |...

ShowNotes Template

Listen Now. Press Play! Play in new window | Download Marishu speaks with entrepreneur, musician and father of two, Colin Wiebe. In this episode Marishu and Colin discuss simple games...

Parenting Toolbox #3: Taking Care Of a Pet

Marishu interviews, Trina, owner of an exotic pet Rabbit. In this episode, Marishu and Trina discuss how taking care of pet can teach valuable life lessons. How Trina decided on adopting a Rabbit Tools for taking care of pets Little known facts...

Parenting Toolbox #2: How Social Media Affects Your Kids

Marishu talks with special guest, Taylor, a grade nine student who shares how Social Media and the internet plays a role in her daily life. This interview gives parents insights and tools to cope with the ever-changing world of technology that kids are growing up...

The Parenting Toolbox #1: Games Of Engagement

Marishu speaks with entrepreneur, musician and father of two, Colin Wiebe. In this episode Marishu and Colin discuss simple games that when played with children, can act as powerful learning and teaching tools. How the counting game can speed up cleaning the kitchen...

Spoiled Rotten

How many times do your hear people say that their parents spoil their kids rotten. Can you relate to that concept? Thinking back on my friends’ experiences, I can see the good cop/bad cop scenario being played out. The parents of young children are busy creating a...

My Why

My childhood home was not a safe place to be. It was full of violence, anger and abuse. Fear was the predominant feeling that surrounded my life. Having the unconditional love of an animal became my saving grace. My cat Tiger was devoted to me and brought me solace. I...

Our Future Ambassadors

“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.” Anonymous It is my belief that by leading others with few words, we have an action call to great leadership. With that leadership, our children will take up our cause long after we...

What’s growing in your garden?

Having grandchildren has been one of the greatest joys I have ever experienced. Watching them grow and develop gives me back that sense of wonder & curiosity about how the simple pleasures in life are not lost on children. Little boys digging, while their puppy...

Taking Care of a Pet Teaches Life Lessons

Animals have long been a way that children learn about love, security and responsibility. Taking care of a loved pet can teach many life lessons. Pets reduce stress by creating a judgment free relationship with their companions Pets teach comfort by always being there...

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