In this episode of The parenting Toolbox, Marishu gives parents ideas on how to talk to your children about the importance of Self Care.
When you think of the term “self care” what comes to mind? Do you think that means you need to be selfish, or shut out the needs of others? If this is confusing to you, imagine how hard it is for our children to grasp. Self care simply put means to nurture and care for ourselves so that we can be caregivers to others. Parenting is the most demanding job you will ever have and if you are not modelling taking care of yourself, then guess what? Your children will grow up and become parents who do not take care of themselves. I am talking about exercise, good eating habits, play time, friend time, meditation and sleep. These are the cornerstones of good physical and mental health and our children follow by example. What example are you setting?
Think of the airplane example. Put your oxygen mask on first so that you can help others.