In this episode Marishu looks at the issue of keeping kids at home when they are sick.

The school year gets hit from time to time with outbreaks of colds, flu or pneumonia. It can be difficult to know what to do to prevent your child from getting sick. Good Hygiene is one facet of wellness. Stressing that proper handwashing is a great way to prevent illness. Another important factor is keeping sick children out of school. It is a decision you will have to make based on school guidelines and your own judgement.

Here is a guideline of symptoms to watch for:

– Fever

– Nausea or vomiting.

– Diarrhea

-Lethargy or pain

-Persistent cough

When both parents are working it is often hard to keep kids at home when they are sick. Having a plan in place for daycare is a vital step to ensure your child gets rest and other children do not catch your child’s illness. We all do better when we look out for each other!

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