In this episode Marishu outlines how parents can address the issue of racial bias.
Racial Bias is a real thing. It is not fake news or fairy tales but a tangible struggle for some that are targeted due to race or religion. Talking to our children about the impact of judging those who are different from us is the starting point. Embracing other cultures, religions and races starts with you. Take your kids to different ethnic restaurants and sample their cuisine. Talk about the history and culture of the food you are eating. Model inclusivity by having friends that are not of your race. Examine your own racial bias and get education about what you fear in other cultures. Go to another place of worship and see what it is all about. Only by facing our fear and differences can we begin to heal our society of ignorance and racism.
Ruby Bridges was quoted as saying; “Racism is a grown-up disease and we should stop using our kids to spread it”.