Smart Phone Parents

We now live in an age of distraction. The main culprit is smart phones when itcome to “Tuned Out” parents. The ability to focus on our parent/childrelationships is under threat due to the amount of time we spend connecting tothe world via devices.The amount of screen...

Fed Up Parenting

Fed Up Parenting Complaining about how we never have anytime for ourselves once we havechildren is nothing new. However, lately I have been hearing some parentsdiscouraging couples who have no children to avoid having a family. Thereasoning for this advice?Having kids...

Finding your Childs Strengths

Finding your Childs Strengths. Infusing your child with confidence starts with understanding what strengths your child possesses. Personal traits such as kindness, creativity and empathy play into their social interactions. By being a good friend that is honest and...

Teaching Kids About Body Image

In this episode, Marishu addresses the sensitive topic – teaching kids about body image.  Do you have a belief about your body Image? That belief is often passed down to our children and it becomes confusing to them as they age. On one hand we shower them with...

Are You A Good Parent?

In this episode, Marishu asks the question. Are you a good parent?She share tips on how to improve your child’s self esteem.How do we decide what good parenting is? Is it based on the individual child or a standard for how children should behave? Each child does...

ShowNotes Template

Listen Now. Press Play! Play in new window | Download Marishu speaks with entrepreneur, musician and father of two, Colin Wiebe. In this episode Marishu and Colin discuss simple games...

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